New Year’s concert and the best way to start the year

New Year’s concert from Vienna, through Eurovision on January, 1st, it’s been a long-standing tradition for years.

Best qualities from New Year’s concert:

  • Good chance for getting closer to classic music
  • Not so much to see on TV on that day
  • Must-see scenarios (besides the Golden Hall in the Musikverein, both the documentaries and the ballet is recorded on great settings)
  • A top-orchestra conducted by a world-class conductor
  • Good way to deal with last night’s hangover

You could say that other concerts can provide this or similar experience any other time of the year.

Orchestra, people in attendance, conductor, pieces, everything varies and everything keeps the same

The right reason why the Newyear’s concert is a must-see is because it provides a shoot on optimism and energy. The rithm and the power in all those marches and polkas, sets the best starting point for a season of working. Twelve months all full with days, and the waltzes and the ballet, shows us the beauty and harmony that can be reached by a good teamwork, training and effort.

Beauty on the dance and the stage

New Year’s Concert sets the bar to our work and at the same time it gives us courage, optimism and eagerness to face the challenges in the next twelve months. For being better than our past-year’s self.

Have a good New Year, full of challenges, changes and effort.

Hint: A powerful combination to impulse best work. We understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could […] As a person with more power than the people who work for you, It is your fault […] assuming goodwill is not only more productive. Trust pays.
Bonus track: On the magical power of establishing goals and deadlines. A deadline is, simply put, optimism in its most ass-kicking form. It’s a potent force that, when wielded with respect, will level any obstacle in its path.